Aesthetics for Birds

Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art for Everyone

Natalie Wynn - head and shoulders - faces the camera directly, appearing nearly nude. She artfully holds an apple with the fingertips of both hands, nails red to match. Blond hair tumbles down out of a flower headband, all set against a green and floral background.

May 30, 2024
by Aesthetics for Birds

How Autofiction, the Buzzy Literary Category, Helps Us Make Sense of YouTube

Natalie Wynn - head and shoulders - faces the camera directly, appearing nearly nude. She artfully holds an apple with the fingertips of both hands, nails red to match. Blond hair tumbles down out of a flower headband, all set against a green and floral background.

The second most visited website globally (surpassed only by Google’s homepage), YouTube reportedly currently hosts over 14 billion videos, making it by far the most consequential moving image repository on earth. Yet, despite its unprecedented cultural significance—and despite now being almost twenty years old—startlingly little discussion of the platform seems interested in treating YouTube as an artistic medium. Approaching YouTube as art could take many forms. This essay asks whether there might be a place on YouTube for one artistic genre that’s become increasingly influential in the twenty-first century, especially in literature: autofiction.

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A dark room designed to look like it is outdoors. It has a large pool of fenced-in water in the center with a fake boat containing a live band. Bamboo accents, dried grass "roofs", plants, and string lights decorate the space.

May 17, 2024
by Aesthetics for Birds
1 Comment

How to Enjoy a Tiki Bar Without Guilt

A dark room designed to look like it is outdoors. It has a large pool of fenced-in water in the center with a fake boat containing a live band. Bamboo accents, dried grass "roofs", plants, and string lights decorate the space.
Tonga Room and Hurricane Bar at the Fairmont San Francisco [source]

Tiki bars exist today as a result of American violence and colonialism in the South Pacific. Despite this, they are idyllic and peaceful spaces where you can sip on a tropical cocktail to escape from your everyday worries. The idealization and exotification of real places seem essential to the escapism of tiki bars, so how can we justify the revival they are experiencing today?

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A title card for Frisky Dingo: On the left, the "[adult swim]" logo and show title appear in white on a crimson background. On the right, with a close-up of cartoonish, skeletal face with crimson eyes appears, lit dramatically from the left side.

May 9, 2024
by Aesthetics for Birds

Embracing the Chaos of Adult Swim and Frisky Dingo

A title card for Frisky Dingo: On the left, the "[adult swim]" logo and show title appear in white on a crimson background. On the right, with a close-up of cartoonish, skeletal face with crimson eyes appears, lit dramatically from the left side.

Here is a thought: as much as I like Adult Swim’s original programming, a nice chunk of it is… kinda bad. In the sense that it is often messy, teasing, testing, and many other user-unfriendly things. I mean, just to state an obvious fact about the channel that shows how challenging its experience can be: Adult Swim’s natural habitat is the middle of the night. If you watch AS during the day—like I do, to be honest—you are cheating. However, bad does not mean not worthy.

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A woman in a wheelchair with neat but frizzy hair stares intently at the audience. The open ocean—framed at the edges by heavy drapes—is visible from her balcony. Several objects float or fall from above behind her. The drapes, her sweater, the floating shoe and pocket mirror: all of these plus the eraser of the pencil, bits of her shawl, an object one can only describe as a starfish, and (of course) the flaming steering wheel show a remarkably dynamic and wonderful use of red.

May 2, 2024
by Aesthetics for Birds

Alt Text for Artwork, Alt Text as Artwork

Visual instructions for accessing alt text

What follows is an essay written by Aaron Richardson (Simon Fraser University). It is Part Two of a two-part series that Aesthetics for Birds assembled on the topic of alternative text. Part One describes the general problem of alt text and the role it serves in improving accessibility. Part Two focuses on specific issues for writing alt text for artwork. Each essay can be read independently, but together they offer a more complete treatment of alt text.

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April 18, 2024
by Aesthetics for Birds

Five Scholars Discuss Beyoncé’s “Cowboy Carter”

Beyoncé faces the camera in a shiny red, white, and blue cowboy-style suit and white cowboy hat. She rides side-saddle on a white horse in motion, her hair flowing out and matching the horse's mane. In one hand, she carries the reins, and in the other, a large American flag, of which only the bottom left quarter is visible. The background is black.
Cover of Cowboy Carter, Beyoncé (2024)

Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter’s genre-hopping and country-influenced new album, Cowboy Carter, has been one of the biggest pop culture events of 2024 so far. It has also been a major event in aesthetics. What do we mean by that? Well, in his groundbreaking 2016 book, Black is Beautiful: A Philosophy of Black Aesthetics, the philosopher Paul Taylor characterizes Black aesthetics in the following way:

to do “black aesthetics” is to use art, criticism, or analysis to explore the role that expressive objects and practices play in creating and maintaining black life-worlds. The appeal to exploration here is more expansive than it may appear. One can explore something by trying to give an account of it, in the manner of a scientist. But one can also explore something by poking around, in the manner of an explorer. In this sense artists explore the roles that expressive objects can play by trying to make them play one role or another, or by participating in and commenting on previous attempts to do this.

On this understanding, Cowboy Carter is itself a work of Black aesthetics, one where Beyoncé explores Black life-worlds through the lens of country and genre, as well as a host of other themes. We invited five scholars working in aesthetics and philosophy of art to comment on the album, and to engage with Beyoncé on these issues. Also, we wanted to make sure that the world knew that aesthetic thought about pop music reaches beyond the orbit of Taylor Swift.

In this roundtable, five aestheticians offer their reflections on the most recent work by Queen Bey:

  • Jeanette Bicknell (she/her), Independent Scholar and professional mediator
  • John Dyck (he/him), Lecturer in Philosophy at Auburn University
  • Charles Peterson (he/him), Associate Professor and Chair of Africana Studies at Oberlin College
  • Corey Reed (he/him), Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Butler University
  • Nicholas Whittaker (they/them), PhD candidate at the City University of New York, Graduate Center
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An old, white-bearded man kneels on the floor of a messy and dark laboratory, lit only by a bright point of light emerging from the side of a glass flask. Two young boys look on as the man stares at the small plume of light in awe.

April 11, 2024
by Aesthetics for Birds

What Is the Aesthetic Value of Science?

An old, white-bearded man kneels on the floor of a messy and dark laboratory, lit only by a bright point of light emerging from the side of a glass flask. Two young boys look on as the man stares at the small plume of light in awe.
Detail from “The Alchemist” by Joseph Wright (1771) [source]

We usually associate aesthetic experience with the enjoyment of artworks and landscapes, but I have always found incredible pleasure in science and its history. While I value artists and the artifacts they create, to me they are on a par with scientists, who also offer beautiful, awe-inspiring creations. Engaging with nature, the subject matter of science, can itself be the source of deep aesthetic experiences, but so too can engaging with scientific discoveries, instruments, and performances of experiments. Science can evoke unrivaled aesthetic responses in us.

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A black-and-white portrait photograph of a light-skinned man from the shoulders up. He has a moustache and a flat expression, and wears glasses and a hat.

March 14, 2024
by Aesthetics for Birds

Jonardon Ganeri on the Poetry of Fernando Pessoa

Countless lives inhabit us.
I don’t know, when I think or feel,
Who it is that thinks and feels.
I am merely the place
Where things are thought and felt.

I have more than just one soul.
There are more I-s than I myself.
I exist, nevertheless,
Indifferent to them all.
I silence them: I speak.

The crossing urges of what
I feel or do not feel
Struggle in who I am, but I
Ignore them. They dictate nothing
To the I I know: I write.

This is entry #92 in our ongoing 100 Philosophers, 100 Artworks, 100 Words Series.

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Eight people pose outdoors in front of a black tarp. They are dressed in a variety of bright and pastel colors, including brightly colored hair. Each outfit has a monochromatic color theme, and the outfits feature fishnet tights, sequins, and sea-inspired flourishes.

March 7, 2024
by Aesthetics for Birds

Are the Kids Alright? On Cottagecore, Quiet Luxury, Clean Girl and Other Internet Aesthetics

Edited by Aaron Meskin (University of Georgia) and Alex King (Simon Fraser University)

A recent New York Times Magazine article caught my eye because of its original title: “‘Aesthetics’ Are Not an Identity. Teens Deserve Better.” I thought, wait a second, ‘Aesthetics,’ in the sense in which I use the term, is crucial to my identity, and teenagers talking about the standard of taste is pretty great. But the author, Mireille Silcoff, meant something different by the term. She’s talking about internet “aesthetics” like Dark and Light Academia, Royalcore and Seapunk (see the picture above).

Silcoff argues that aesthetics like these do not offer much for today’s youth. True subcultures—punk, metalheads, skaters, club kids—Silcoff argues, are able to provide community and a robust sense of identity. Internet aesthetics don’t do a good job with these. Or so Silcoff says. Is she right? Alex and I thought we better check with the kids. So we reached out to some Gen Z and Millennial students and faculty for their thoughts.

But before we turn it over to the youth, this old Gen Xer wants to say one thing about subcultures. Back in my day, most teens did not belong to them! There were not—in fact—that many punks, skaters, and goths. They were subcultures. (Note that even being a fan of punk or goth was never enough to be part of those subcultures. I listened to a lot of punk and went to hardcore shows in my teens but was never a punk.) What about preppies? Maybe there was a preppy subculture at one time. If so, I’m not sure it’s one that deserves to be remembered fondly. But back in the 80s and 90s, preppy was—at least for most people—a fashion choice (i.e., an aesthetic) rather than a subculture. So I’m a bit skeptical of Silcoff’s nostalgia for subcultures. They might have offered some people a sense of community and identity, but for the vast majority of teens they did no such thing.

The seven authors of the pieces below provide a nuanced view of the role of aesthetics and subcultures in contemporary youth culture. They give us reason to think that the kids are alright.

— Aaron Meskin

  • Fisher Benson (he/him), college student in Philosophy, Knox College
  • Lola Chamberlain (she/they), college student in English and Philosophy, Knox College
  • Celia Gentle (she/her), Masters student, Simon Fraser University
  • Alice Harberd (she/her), PhD student in Philosophy, University College London
  • Nava Karimi (she/her), college student in English and Philosophy, Simon Fraser University
  • Evan Malone (he/him), Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Lone Star College
  • Angela Sun (she/her), Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Washington and Lee University
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A photograph of a cake. The cake is placed on the middle of a wooden table. It is covered with light pink frosting and adorned with a circle of quartered strawberries. Imperfections make it clear that the cake is homemade.

February 29, 2024
by Aesthetics for Birds

The Hidden Privilege of “The Great British Bake Off”

A photograph of a cake. The cake is placed on the middle of a wooden table. It is covered with light pink frosting and adorned with a circle of quartered strawberries. Imperfections make it clear that the cake is homemade.
All photos by the author

An essay by Christopher Bartel (Appalachian State University)

The Great British Bake Off  (GBBO) is a show that I deeply love. But it is also one that unsettles me for its inherent classism.

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