Aesthetics for Birds

Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art for Everyone

December 4, 2016
by Aesthetics for Birds

3d Printed, AI-produced Original “Rembrandt”

A collaboration between ING bank, Microsoft, Delft University of Technology, and the Mauritshuis museum brings us the Next Rembrandt project. They’ve created an original, Rembrandt-style “painting” created by analyzing existing Rembrandt paintings (colors, head direction, facial composition, etc.). <!–more–> If this is a taste of what the robot apocalypse will look like, then I guess it seems sort of anticlimactic. Anyway, if you were curious about how to make the MOST paradigmatic Rembrandt painting, you’d want the following characteristics: Okay, but so much you probably already knew, without any deep data algorithms. Just with your fleshy meat brain. But could you do this part? They did micro-landscape analysis of the brushstrokes and mimicked that, too. Then used “paint-based UV ink” to create the final product with a 3D printer. And how does it look? I mean, it looks like a Rembrandt to me. (Some people claim they can tell it’s not authentic. I’m skeptical.) This – like … Continue reading